Flexlm version of client newer than server
Flexlm version of client newer than server

flexlm version of client newer than server

12 Invalid returned data from license server system. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file. This usually happens when a license file has been altered. The license key/signature and data for the feature do not match. 8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key or signature. 7 No socket connection to license server manager service. 6 No TCP/IP port number in license file and FLEXnet Licensing service does not exist.

flexlm version of client newer than server

4 Licensed number of users already reached. 3 No license server system for this feature. Error ) I have decided to post a list of the common error codes here for quick reference.

  • Server not started due to the error * * * * ERROR * * * * (0): WrapperSimpleAppMain: Shutdown requested by Configuration service.Since error codes are pretty generic when it comes to the license manager (i.e.
  • FLEXnet server comes up with following error in it's :.
  • "MKS124789: You require an Integrity Client license with configuration management capabilities".
  • Server error during startup or when users attempt to access items:.
  • Reason: Unable to request application licenseUnable to startup Security Service: Service mks:name=License not started due to errors: License problems: Can't Connect to License Server (-15,3002).
  • “Shutdown requested by Configuration service.
  • Not a valid license server system host.
  • Shutdown requested by Configuration service.
  • Server comes up with license error during startup:.
  • license file has been replaced with a new one.
  • Server has been upgraded or moved to new operating system (OS).
  • Integrity/FSA/Proxy Server does not start after one of the following actions occurred:.
  • Unable to startup Security Service mks:name=License not started due to errors: License problems: Can't Connect to License Server (-15, 3002) (Connection timed out: connect)
  • ​Unable to request application license.
  • flexlm version of client newer than server

    Integrity Server fails to start with start up due to error(s):.

    Flexlm version of client newer than server